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[imtoken如何赎回所有的投票]:- 在6个月内兑换到

佚名 0 条评论 2022-04-11 13:10

- 在6个月内兑换到250次赌场物理比特币,BTC的1.9亿美元依然活泼

Close to 250 Casascius Physical Bitcoins Were Redeemed in 6 Months, $1.9B in BTC Remain Active

Since September 18, 2021, close to 250 Casascius physical bitcoins were redeemed over the last 198 days. On that day six months ago, there were 19,920 Casascius physical bitcoins left active and today, there are approximately 19,676 left to peel.19,676 Casascius Physical Bitcoins Left to PeelDuring the last six months, approximately 244 Casascius physical bitcoins were redeemed for their digital value. The Casascius physical bitcoin collection created by Mike Caldwell is one of the most popular physical BTC collections. The rare coins are often sold for more than the digital face value and today, there are 19,676 physical coins left unredeemed or active, according

to casasciustracker.com stats.Each physical bitcoin has a different fraction of digital BTC, as some coins carry .5 in BTC value while some hold a single BTC. Caldwell also made gold bars with bitcoins loaded onto them like the popular 100 BTC gold bar. There are Casascius physical bitcoins that hold 25 BTC and even units that carry 500 to 1,000 BTC. For instance, on March 30, 2022, an “S1-COIN-25” that’s worth 25 BTC was peeled and redeemed for the digital value of $1.14 million.Redeemed Casascius physical bitcoins over time, according to casasciustracker.com stats.The S1-COIN-25 also held 25 bitcoin cash (BCH) and 25 bitcoinsv (BSV), but those crypto assets have not been spent by the Casascius physical bitcoin owner. Five days prior, an “S2-COIN-5” was peeled and redeemed for 5 BTC or $230K. That Casascius physical bitcoin owner also saved the 5 BCH and the 5 BSV, as it has not been spent. While there are 19,676 physical coins from the Casascius collection left active, 8,262 have been redeemed so far.42,516 Bitcoin Worth $1.9 Billion Remain Loaded on Casascius Physical Bitcoins, Unfunded Coins Sell for a Pretty PennyWhile there's a few hundred less than 20K physical coins left unpeeled今日, 该号码不考虑BTC未填写多少。在19,676次赌场硬币上未填写了42,516个BTC(UTXOS),留下了UNPELED。依据今日的比特币(BTC)汇率,这是价值19亿美元的比特币.Casasciustracker.com统计数据,赌场,喀斯卡商物理比特币一般出售高于二级市场上的数字价值。乃至卸载硬币,跟着数字资金打扫,这些天可认为美丽的便士出售。例如,卸载资金的卸载25个BTC物理比特币在eBay上热销21,000美元。现实上,难以找到一个加载的赌场物理比特币,并且在二级市场上出售了出售可保藏意图的一个无资金。在2021年9月18日,大约43,000个BTC留下了19,920个赌场物理比特币的遗产。今日没有42,516个BTC,这意味着484 BTC在曩昔的198天内现已兑换了2.84年的BTC。这个Story100 BTC Bars,1000 BTC酒吧,20000年Casascius Coins,比特币,比特币经济,BTC,CasaScius,Casascius Bars, Casacius Coins,Coins,Cryptocurs,数字钱银,装载硬币,迈克考德威尔,怀旧,数字价值,物理比特币,UTXO,Utxos您怎么看待现在有19,676个Cascusius Bitcoins今日留下了42,516位比特币的现实,未列从头遗弃?让我们知道您在下面的谈论部分中对此主题的观点.jamie redman jamie redman是Bitcoin.com新闻和生活在佛罗里达州的金融技能新闻记的新闻。雷德曼自2011年以来一直是加密钱银社区的活跃成员。


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