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[imtoken怎么租cpu]:-SkyBridge Capital Forder在100万美元

佚名 0 条评论 2022-04-30 14:39

-SkyBridge Capital Forder在100万美元的比特币猜测下倍增 - 估计BTC长时刻到达500K

Skybridge Capital Founder Doubles Down on $100K Bitcoin Prediction — Expects BTC to Reach $500K Long-Term

The founder of Skybridge Capital has doubled down on his $100K bitcoin price prediction. He also believes that bitcoin could reach $500K a coin in the long run. “But we’ve got some work to do here from a regulatory perspective,” he stressed. The executive also advised how an average investor should get into bitcoin.Skybridge Capital’s Founder on Bitcoin PriceThe founder of investment management firm Skybridge Capital, Anthony Scaramucci, talked about the future outlook for bitcoin Friday in an interview with Melissa Francis on Magnifi by TIFIN.Scaramucci expected the price of BTC to reach $100,000 by the end of last year. However, he admitted

that he “did not assess the regulatory environment appropriately” after the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) approved bitcoin futures exchange-traded funds (ETFs).“I thought once you had the bitcoin futures [ETFs], you’d end up with the cash pretty immediately. Too much political headwind for that,” he explained. Instead, BTC got corrected down to the $40,000 level from its all-time high of $68,892 based on data from Bitcoin.com Markets.Nonetheless, the Skybridge Capital founder believes that the price of bitcoin could reach $100,000 this year. He opined:Could it get there this year?是的。 Is it likely to get there over two years? I’m very confident of that. But we’ve got some work to do here from a regulatory perspective.“We got to get the markets to calm down a little bit. We’ve got to get through Covid. But

it’s not going anywhere,” he stressed.How an Average Investor Should Get Into BitcoinThe Skybridge Capital founder was also asked what he would do if he were an average investor who has not invested in crypto. “I would buy some,” he promptly replied. However, he added, “I would average in.”While cautioning that there will be volatility,

Scaramucci指出:你能够处理这样的技能的仅有办法是美元本钱均匀水平,并每月购买一点。一般出资者应该进入比特币的薪水百分比应该放入比特币,Scelamucci主张:“我会挑选你的号码每月都很舒畅和买一下。“他主张介于1%和4%之间。“我将4%的Skybridge金钱放入比特币,”他共享。 “我开端歇息4%的本钱职位......假如你和我在巅峰时期谈过,它终究到达了22%,”他具体介绍,然后“买卖到大约15%的方位。”他持续说:“我以为你有必要是其间的一部分。我以为这将是在区间区块和加密钱银上投入或零出资的过错。“每比特索卡拉蒙西数量为500k 500K也有效地谈论了比特币价格怎么到达长时刻,重申他之前的猜测,即BTC能够到达500,000美元的猜测Coin.Noting“这是前期选用技能”,Skybridge Capital Executive正告说:“这将是十分蒸发的。有比特币将溃散的时刻,下降50加%。“尽管如此,他着重:但假如你乐意缩小并看看长时刻图表并看看选用故事,比特币能够获得半百万美元的硬币?我信任它会.Scaramucci在比特币上看涨了一段时刻。在上一年11月,他鼓舞出资者开端购买BTC,说:“这对人来说十分十分早......我正尽力向他们解说为什么他们现在需求具有这个。”标签故事Scaramci,比特币猜测,比特币价格猜测,加密价格猜测,加密钱银猜测,美元本钱均匀,美元本钱均匀,Scalamucci,Skybridge Bitcein,Skybridge Capital,Skybridge Cryptowhat您以为关于Scaramucci'主张?让我们鄙人面的谈论部分中了解.Kevin掌舵奥地利经济学的学生,凯文在2011年发现比特币,自以来一直是一名福音兵。他的爱好在于比特币安全,开源体系,网络作用和经济学和暗码之间的交叉口。

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